Dumpster Days

Dumpster Day* Schedule 2021

February 12-14

May 21-23

September 3-5

December 10-12

Blucan Dates 2021

June 3 & 17
July 1, 15 & 29
August 12 & 26
September 9 & 23
October  7 & 21
November 4 & 18
December 2, 16 & 30


* Dumpster Days: Household and yard garbage accepted.  No tires, batteries, paint, chemicals or other hazardous material.

Tire Recycling - Where to drop off

Tires can be brought directly to the Washington County Landfill, 325 N Landfill Rd, Washington, Utah 84780 during the following hours: Mondays – Fridays 7 am – 5:30 pm, Saturdays 7am- 3:30pm


A small quantity of tires will be taken for a nominal fee. The fee covers the cost of hauling tires to a recycling and refurbishing facility. Car: $1.50/tire, Truck: $2.00/tire, Semi Truck: $4.00/tire.




Paint Exchange Program


Residents with paint cans that are less than a quarter full are encouraged to dry out the remaining paint. The dried out paint can should then be placed in the regular garbage.
Residents with larger quantities of paint can bring it to the Washington County Landfill to participate in the Paint Exchange Program.
Residents with expired paint are encouraged to take advantage of the next Household Hazardous Waste collection Day.


Free Service


There is no cost to county residents to drop off or to pick up paint.